Starting on December 2010 with Tunisia, protesters took to the street across Arab world claiming ejection of irremovable leaderships. Some dictators fought back in full scale refusing to go down easy. Scenes from Tunisia, Egypt and Libya in 2011.

Giant demonstration in Cairo against Egypt President Mubarak in Tahrir Square. 01 february 2011.

Libyan city of Misrata under siege by loyalist army. Anti-Gaddafi graffiti inside a deserted school in Misrata, 12 May 2011.

Thousands of fearful migrant workers flee chaos from uprised Libya and cross the border into Tunisia at Ras Jdir. After leaving Libya, thousand of Bengladesh migrant workers arrive to an UNHCR transit camp in Choucha, after a 7 km walk from Tunisia's Ras Jedir border station. 04 March 2011.

Libyan city of Misrata under siege by loyalist army. Misrata residents survey what remains of Gadhafi's army tanks that were destroyed by NATO air strikes. These three tanks were hiding under a food market building as the bombs pierced the concrete roof before smashing them. 12 May 2011.

Libyan city of Misrata under siege by loyalist army. Following an attack on Tawergha, fighters from Misrata cornered two Gaddafi's soldiers during a house to house search. After a short stand off, grenades were ultimately thrown killing the two loyalists as one seen here pulled away. Later in the day, they withdraw from Tawargha in fear of being encircled by superior forces. One of the two killed soldiers is dragged away. 16 May 2011.

Libyan rebel fighters of uprised again coastal town of Zawiyah engaged in street fighting against Gadhafi 's loyalists holding the center of the city. 18 August 2011.

Protest resume on Tahrir Square before Egyptian parliamentary election day. An injured protester is swiftly evacuated by motorbike to a first aid post during clashes with riot police on Mohamed Mahmoud street near Tahrir Square on November 22, 2011 in Cairo, Egypt.
Tunisia's Ras Jedir main border crossing with Libya is overwhelmed by thousands of workers fleeing Libyan unrest and faces a humanitarian crisis. Seen from Tunisia's side, crowd of Egyptians waiting on the Libyan side of the border. 01 March 2011.

Following an incursion on Tawergha, south of Misrata, rebel fighters cornered two Gaddafi's soldiers during a house to house search. After a short stand off, grenades were ultimately thrown killing the two loyalists. Rebels pushed into the outskirts of the small town, south east of Misrata, in an attempt to expand their controlled zone around the besieged city and keeping it out of range from Grad rockets. Later in the day, they withdraw out of Tawargha in fear of being encircled by superior forces. Uprised Misrata under siege by Gaddafi's forces during Libyan revolution. 16 May 2011.

Libyans rebels fight loyalists resistance in Tripoli's Abu Salim district as they control neary all the city. Rebels say they control most of Tripoli, but they faced pockets of resistance from regime loyalists in Abu Salim district where Gaddafi's fighters holed up. One captured suspect is roughed up by rebels. 25 August 2011.

Rebel Libyans launch an assault against Bab Al Azizyia, Gaddafi's fortified compound in Tripoli. Fierce gunfire and shelling during rebels advance toward the main gate through Al Jala'a avenue. 23 August 2011.

Libyan rebels attack Bab Al Azizyia, Gaddafi's headquarters compound in Tripoli. After a Caterpillar opened a breach in the outer wall and rammed the main gate, the rebel fighters swarm the compound. 23 August 2011.

Rebel Libyan fighters launch an assault against Bab Al Azizyia, Gaddafi's fortified compound in Tripoli. Fierce gunfire and shelling during rebel's advance toward the main gate on Al Jala'a street. 23 August 2011.

Libyan rebels attack city of Tawarga, located 40 km southeast of Misrata on the road to Syrt, to extend their controlled zone around Misrata. As they advanced, a captured loyalist soldier is taken away. They pushed no further of the outskirts of the town facing little resistance from Gaddafi's army and later withdraw backward in fear of facing stronger loyalist troops. 16 May 2011.

Libyan rebel fighter wearing a makeshift face mask prepares to fire a rocket in Al Dafniyah front line, west of Misrata. Coastal city of Misrata is under siege by Gaddafi's forces since it's uprising against the Libyan leader. 30 May 2011.

Libyan city of Misrata under siege by loyalist army. Outside a civilian building converted to a weapon factory, a worker cuts out a steel plate to armour a technical vehicle. Metal workshops in Misrata keep up a sustained activity as the rebels weapons factory. Outgunned in fire power by loyalist forces, rebels rely on captured guns to defend the city. 21 May 2011.

At a field hospital close to Al Dafniya front line, doctors desperately try to rescucitate Osama Fathi Ashor. Suffering from numerous wounds by a shell explosion, the 30 years old rebel fighter died minutes after being admitted breathing and conscious.
Coastal city of Misrata is under siege by Gaddafi's forces since it's uprising against the Libyan leader. 31 May 2011.

Violent clashes between pro and anti-Mubarak in Tahrir Square. Shielded behind whatever they can grab, anti-Mubarak demonstrators hurl rocks at Egyptian president supporters. 02 February 2011.

Thousands of fearful migrant workers flee chaos from uprised Libya and cross the border into Tunisia at Ras Jdir. 26 February 2011.

Libyan city of Misrata under siege by Gaddafi's forces. Ruined landscape of Tripoli street where in April 2011 fierce fighting opposed the uprised population of Misrata against the invading Gaddafi's army that was forced out of the city. 15 May 2011.

Coastal city of Misrata is under siege by Gaddafi's forces since it's uprising against the Libyan leader.
06 June 2011.
Libyan rebels attack Bab Al Azizyia, Gaddafi's headquarters compound in Tripoli. During and after the fighting, fighters later joined by civilians loot as many weapons they can carry from depots inside the compound. 23 August 2011.

Dead Gaddafi's soldiers are anonymously buried under full muslim traditions at a new dedicated cemetery located in a discreet area of besieged Misrata. On May 26th 2011, 540 bodies have been recovered and buried between dunes since the heavy fighting from last March. Every day newly found bodies, sometimes in advanced condition of decay are brought in for burial. As no fallen rebels fighters share this cemetery, the loyalist soldiers are buried anonymously under a number written on a piece of wood while their identity kept on record. Unidentified bodies are only marked with their retrieval date. Later, families would be allowed to recover the remains. Rebels take pride to correctly treating their dead tormentors they considered as misdirected brothers. When the body is deem in too bad shape, it's remains are placed in a body bag without the traditional white shroud. Coastal city of Misrata is under siege by Gaddafi's forces since it's uprising against the Libyan leader. 26 May 2011.

Uprised Misrata under siege by Gaddafi's forces during Libyan revolution. Rebels fighters survey Libyan air force helicopters destroyed by NATO strikes at Misrata airport. 28 May 2011.

Libyan city of Misrata under siege by loyalist army.
At a field hospital staged behind Al Dafnyah front line, where wounded fighters are stabilized before evacuation to a city hospital, on 31 May 2011.

Anti-Egyptian president protestors repel Mubarak's supporters as they pushed aggressively inside Tahrir Square, the center of anti-government demonstrations, hurling stones at each other's. 02 February 2011.

Libyan rebels attack Bab Al Azizyia, Gaddafi's residence in Tripoli. After the compound was overunned, fighters joined by civilians loot weapon depots inside the compound. 23 August 2011.

Uprised Libyan city of Misrata under siege from Gadhafi's forces. Rebel fighters resting in an advanced post off Al Dafnyah frontline
23 May 2011.

Libyan city of Misrata under siege by loyalist army. A makeshift armoured bulldozer used by Gaddafi's forces to clear roadblocks set up by rebel fighters during combat in Misrata. 21 May 2011.

Libyan city of Misrata under siege by loyalist army. Rebel fighters fire a 105 mm shell with a M40 rifle toward Gaddafi's forces from Al Dafnyah front line, west of Misrata. 02 June 2011.

Two Gaddafi's soldiers were killed in this car in Al Dafniyah frontline near Misrata. Rebel fighters left the bodies inside and covered it. Coastal city of Misrata is under siege by Gaddafi's forces since it's uprising against the Libyan leader. 13 June 2011.

Libyan rebel fighters of uprised again coastal town of Zawiyah engaged in street fighting against Gaddafi 's loyalists still holding the center of the city. Rebels fires at a building where loyalist snipers are bunkered near the central park. 18 August 2012.

Libyans rebels forcefully take control of Tripoli's Abu Salim district against holed up Gaddafi's loyalists. A dead man with ballistic wounds, undistinctly a loyalist or an anti Gaddafi. 25 August 2011.

Libyan city of Misrata under siege by loyalist army. Ruined landscape of Tripoli street where in April 2011 fierce fighting opposed the uprised population of Misrata against the invading Gaddafi's army that was forced out of the city. 26 May 2011.